Anthropological Research


Curriculum Vitae



1995 DPhil: Ethnology and Museum Ethnography, Oxford University.

1991 MPhil: Ethnology and Museum Ethnography, Oxford University.

1978 BA (Hons): Design and Art History, Sheffield College of Art.

Academic Career Summary


2021-22 Professor of Anthropology, Durham University.

2012-21 Executive Director, Institute of Advanced Study, Durham University.

2013-17 Chair of the Association of Social Anthropologists of the UK and the Commonwealth.

2005-12 Professor of Social Anthropology. University of Auckland.

2002-05 Head of School of Social Sciences. Auckland University of Technology.

2000-02 Royal Anthropological Institute Fellowship in Urgent Anthropology. Goldsmiths College London.

1998-01 Deputy/Acting Head of Department of Anthropology, University of Wales, Lampeter.

1997-01 Lecturer in Anthropology University of Wales, Lampeter.

1994-97 Lecturer in Anthropology. Pitt Rivers Museum. Oxford University.

1994-97 Researcher. Environmental Change Unit. Oxford University.

1980-89 Freelance writing in Caribbean and Canada, eg. for Ministry of Environment, Ontario.

Prizes and Awards

2023  Professorial Fellowship at The New Institute’s Centre for Environmental Humanities (NICHE), Ca´ Foscari University of Venice.

2019- Election as a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences.

2016 RBC Visiting Fellowship Award, Waterloo University, Water Institute, Collaborative Water Program. 2017-2020. Timing tbc.

2009 Distinguished Fellowship, Institute of Advanced Study, Durham University.

2007 International Water Prize, Les Lumières de L’Eau [Water’s Leading Lights] Gold Medal. 9th Cannes International Water Symposium. Cannes, June 26th-28th, 2007.[1]

Page.2. Medal.JPG

1999 Royal Anthropological Institute Urgent Anthropology Fellowship.

1997 Earthwatch Millenium Fellowship, UK.

1990-91 Oxford University: Domus Scholarship, Linacre College, Oxford.

Additional academic appointments

2023- Advisory Board, Interdisciplinary Doctoral Training Centre, Essex University.

2022- International Advisory Board, The New Institute’s Centre for Environmental Humanities (NICHE), Ca´ Foscari University of Venice.

2019- Senior Editor. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Anthropology, Oxford University Press.

2019-20 International Review Panel, Peter Wall Institute, University of British Colombia.

2019-23 International Advisory Board, Centre for Integrated Research on Culture and Society (CIRCUS), University of Uppsala.

2019- International Advisory Board, Sapiens, Journal of the Wenner-Gren Foundation.

2017-2022 Interdisciplinary Advisory Panel, United Kingdom Research and Innovation (formerly HEFCE)

2017- Advisory Editor. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Anthropology, Oxford University Press.

2017- Research Affiliate, School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography, University of Oxford.

2017- International Advisory Board, DELTA Project, University of Cologne.

2014- International Advisory Board, Naryn-Syr Darya Project. The Social Life of a River, Tübingen University.

2013-2023 International Advisory Board, Wires: Water (Wiley).

2013-2017 ASA representative. British Academy

2013-2017 ASA representative. Academy of the Social Sciences.

2013-2017 ASA representative, World Council of Anthropological Associations.

2011-2012 New Zealand Tertiary Education Commission, National Performance Review (PBRF) panel.

2011 External review, International Fellowship programme, Institute of Advanced Study, Durham University, UK.

2009 External review, Research Assessment Exercise, Australian National University, 2010.

2008-10 Adviser/co-editor, UNESCO programme, Water and Cultural Diversity.

2005-06 New Zealand Tertiary Education Commission, National Performance Review (PBRF) panel.

2004-2012 Royal Anthropological Institute Urgent Anthropology Committee.

2004 External Assessment Panel, Australian National University Research Quality Review.

2004 External Review Committee, School of Social Science Review, 2004, University of Queensland.

2003-2008 Honorary Research Fellow, University of Western Australia.

2003-4 Visiting Fellowship, University of Queensland.

2003-4 Executive Committee of Association of Social Anthropologists Aotearoa/New Zealand.

2003-08 Australian Research Council ‘Discovery’ Fellowship.

2002 Hon. Secretary, Association of Social Anthropologists of the UK and the Commonwealth.

2002-10 Judicial panel for Curl Essay Prize, Royal Anthropological Institute, UK.

2001-2 OFWAT Thames Region Customer Service Committee, (UK).

2001- Trustee, Radcliffe-Brown Fund and the Firth Trust Funds for Social Anthropological Research.

2000-02 Senior Research Associate, Pitt Rivers Museum. Oxford University.

2000-02 Editor, Annals of the ASA, Association of Social Anthropologists of the UK and the Commonwealth.

1998-01 Director, Centre for Australian Studies. University of Wales, Lampeter.


Funding for my research has come from:

The Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)

The Royal Anthropological Institute

Water UK and eight UK-based water companies.[2]

The Australian Research Council


The United Nations

The World Bank

The Kowanyama Aboriginal Land and Natural Resources Office

The Māori Council (Ngā Puna Wai o Te Tokotoru)

Research England

[1] UNESCO: ‘In June 2007, in recognition of her contribution to anthropological research on water, Veronica Strang was awarded a Gold Medal by an international jury composed of UNESCO Chairs, at the 9th Cannes International Water Symposium. UNESCO’s International Water Prizes are awarded to ‘outstanding professionals’ who have achieved ‘major work in the field of water’’.

[2] Southern Water, Yorkshire Water, Thames Water, East of Scotland Water, West of Scotland Water, Essex and Suffolk Water, Vivendi and United Utilities.